Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Musings from Dilli

I'm back here after a long time. The ride from airport was slow. Dad wanted to try a new route back home since he can't do that at night-time, and he had seen cab-drivers take this route. After a few U-turns, we made it to the outer ring road. Traffic was bad in parts, the metro line is being built out at a ferocious pace for some games in 2010.

The indiscipline on the roads is beyond concept of right-of-way, lanes non-existent. There was an auto driving on the wrong side of the road. My sister, Chanda, is making a turn in a narrow lane, and obviously she needs a bit more space. But no, the Delhi driver will come in and try and squeeze in front of her, and a motorcyle with 2 passengers is squeezing in behind her car. What-the guys. I have driven in Bombay in the 80's and 90's, and dont recall this level of indiscipline. Maybe thats changed there too. I'll know next weekend when am there.

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